So basically, I have been having loads of thoughts lately. About my life. About my dreams. About my future. Things I want to do. Things I want to accomplish. Who I want to be. As you know, (due to the fact that I have said it time and time again) I want to be a mom. But that is not happening in my near future. So until I reach that point in my life - where I meet the man of my dreams who I am will spend the rest of my life with, get married, have kids, and live happily ever after - I need to live my single, adult life to the fullest. Which at times can be a little frustrating and confusing.
These are a few things about me. General points I'd like to address that I hope to use in my future life path.
- I love creating. I love drawing, photography, recording videos, scrapbooking, editing (pictures, videos, scrapbooks, etc,) writing, baking, cooking, dancing, singing, guitar playing, writing songs, blogging (if that counts as creating,) making websites, and the list goes on.
- I love loving. And I wish that everyone did to. And showed it. To everyone. I have a passion against bullying of any kind. When I hear stories about anyone getting bullied, my heart goes out to them. I instantly wish I could stop it. I wish that I could do something to make a difference. Be the change. Make people understand that it's not right. It's never okay to be cruel and treat people that way. No matter what. It hurts. I know first hand how much it hurts. And I want to do something about it. Not just talk about wanting to do something. But actually do something. But I don't exactly know how to go about that.
- I want to help people. Truly help people. Be involved in the betterment of individual lives. I want to serve others. I want to give to those who have nothing. I want to make others happy. Hug them. Make them smile. Be a light.
- I want to incorporate the truth. The word of God. His love. In whatever way that I can. In whatever way possible.
- I want to love what I do. And while I know that many people hate their jobs, and get stuck doing it day in and day out just for the money, or whatever other reasons, I don't want that to be me. I want to be excited to be doing what I am doing. Because I know that it is possible. Because I am currently doing just that. And have been since I graduated high school.
So if there is anyone out there who can help me figure out how to go about using these points to understand what I want to do and how to do it, please feel free to leave it in the comment section below.
I thought I'd list a few qualities of mine that often causes me to fail. Knowing and admitting your faults is the first step to recovery as they say.
- I can be easily distracted and forget my focus.
- I procrastinate.
- I am a perfectionist with mild, undiagnosed OCD.
- I tend to be self-depreciating and often think I'm not (and never will be) "good enough."
- I am unsure. Of myself. Of what I think. Of what I want.
I will try to work on these. Now that I have confessed them, I can change, right?
While we are making list after list, I figured, one more couldn't hurt. Here is a list of some things I want to do in my lifetime.
- Visit a third world country and serve the needy.
- Help at least one person to realize how special and amazing they are.
- Teach others about God's love.
- Travel and experience foreign cultures. [I will make it to Paris and London one day.]
- Have children of my own.
My current desktop background.
A nice daily reminder of my dreams.
Well, I hope your life is more decisive and focused than mine! Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!