Thursday, June 6, 2013

Kalbi and Dragons

Quick story of the day. My sister was driving, my mom was in the passenger seat giving directions, and  I was in the back seat reading. My sister was getting all confumblulated over my mom's directions and it got a little heated. A little argument ensued. My sister pulled over, and she switched seats with my mom. So my mom was driving, while trying to explain to my sister her side of it. It was hard for me to concentrate on reading because of it all, so I put my book away and looked out of my window. Which I never do. Look out my window that is. I read the sign above a door that said Kiawe Grill. "Mom, is that Kiawe Grill the same Kiawe Grill?" So obviously, she parked the car and she and I went to check it out. The moment we opened the door, I was hit with the sudden smell of deliciousness that I had long forgotten. This was it! We ordered. While we waited, it started getting nice and smoky, grilly up in there. Oh, love. We took our food back to the car and dug in! Kalbi! Gahh! So good!!! I've missed this. Just look!


In Kiawe Grill. Don't you love it?!

Okay. Enough of that talk.

The last thing I read before putting my book down and glancing up out of the window was this:

"Fairy tales are more than true-not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten."
-G.K. Chesterton

I love that. Yes, there will be problems, challenges, difficulties, arguments etc. But we can overcome. We can slay the dragon. I know today's incident was just a small, possibly bad, example. (But hey, you take what you can get.) My mother and sister arguing and getting lost, only to stumble across one of our favorite restaurants ever, that we'd thought had all closed down. Sometimes, in the middle of a terrible situation, great good comes out of it.

So get out there and slay those dragons! You are more powerful than you think! More courageous than you can imagine! Go!

Oh, and by the way, I turned three years old today. Spiritually, that is. Three years ago, I decided to make Jesus Christ the Lord of my life, and was baptized into the Kingdom of Heaven. Time sure does fly by.

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