Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Phone Tag

Phylicia and I have been playing phone tag for the past two months, it feels like. Not fun! Whenever I would call, she didn't answer. Whenever she would call, I didn't answer. It just kept going on and on. But today, we finally got a hold of each other! Hooray!!!!! I literally screamed when I answered the phone. Ask my mom and Kaleo. They were there. I held my phone away from my mouth as I screamed, of course. But I screamed nonetheless. "PHYLICIAAAA!!!!" Then I ran out of the room so I could talk to her. We had so much to catch up on! Obviously! We hadn't talked in two months! Texting is NOT THE SAME! It was great. I miss her. She's one of my best friends. It's crazy to go from seeing someone every single day for two and a half years, to never seeing them, ever, and hardly even getting the chance to talk to them on the phone. I am excited for May 2014 when I will see her again. At her wedding! Where I'll be a bridesmaid!!! Eeeep! But that's basically another year away. So looong. But time flies. So I guess it'll be here before I know it.

This morning I woke up at 5:30 again and went for my morning prayer walk/run. It was very cloudy, so I didn't take any pictures of the sunrise. I could barely see it. But it was a nice time anyways.

Oh, and by the way, I Want Crazy by Hunter Hayes, is still on constant replay. Just sayin'.

Walk/Run (35 min)

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