Wednesday, March 20, 2013


So last night I watched The Call. Again. You know, watching a thriller a second time isn't thrilling. You know everything that's going to happen. It takes the thrill out of it. But my sister wanted to see it. So I took her. I tried to pretend to be scared, and join in the ruckus as the theater audience shouted, "What are you doing?" , "Call the police!" , "Don't go down there!" , "Don't tell him! Don't tell him!" , "I told you to call the police! Why don't you listen to me!?" and such.

It reminded me of how you can ride a rollercoaster, and it can be so scary the first time. Not knowing what to expect. Butterflies. Excitement. But for me at least, if I go on it enough times, I get immune to the thrill. Which is a bummer because the thrill is the best part of a rollercoaster. I love the feeling I get in my stomach when the rollercoaster drops and my stomach follows suit. I love the adrenaline rush.

But last night I fell asleep teary-eyed and scared about something else. Something completely different. Remember how I said I have to get all of my wisdom teeth pulled out? Well it's happening next Saturday. And I'm terrified. You see, my bottom right wisdom tooth (instead of pointing up like a normal tooth) is pointing to the left, into my other teeth. So they are going to have to slice it in half, extract that part, then go back and take out the rest. And on top of that, both of my bottom wisdom teeth are touching nerves, so he's going to have to be extremely careful not to touch them. Or else. I'm praying for strength and for it all to go well and smoothly. I'm kinda like, oh please just put me under. Well, it's next week, so I may be a little premature in my scared nature, but hey, me no likee pain!

This is definitely not the extent of things that frighten me. It's just my most current fear.

What frightens you? Leave it in a comment below :)

1 Peter 5:7 NIV
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

1 comment:

  1. There are a lot of things that frightens me. Too much to list... I'll tell you later.
