Tuesday, May 14, 2013


We made Banana Muffins today. They are one of my favorite things to bake. It's definitely the thing I bake most often. We always find ourselves with overripe/browning bananas. Some people like to eat bananas like that. I am not one of those people. So what do I do? I make Banana Muffins! They are so deliciously tasty. The perfect way to not waste bananas.

You know I love reading. I also love listening to audiobooks. Especially when they are read with such emotion and I can just close my eyes, listen, and imagine I'm there. That's one thing I really love about audiobooks. I can close my eyes and be fully consumed. When you watch a movie, you see what you are shown. When you read a book, you get to create the images in your mind as you read. When you listen to an audiobook, you create the images in your mind while having the emotion and diction of the words come through another's voice. It's like watching a movie, but better, because you get to "see" what you want. Visualize it the way you see it. I am not sure if you are able to comprehend anything I am babbling about. But I understand what I'm saying. Haha. I also love audiobooks because I can listen to them in the car, when I'm doing dishes, when I'm running errands, when I'm waiting in the dentist's office, when I'm lying in bed at night in the dark before I go to sleep, or when I go running/walking (which I did today by the way.) It's on my phone, so I always have it with me. It's perfect! I borrow them through the library, and they show up on my phone through OverDrive. I heart technology.

The current audiobook I am listening to and absolutely loving is Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver. I adore Sarah Drew's voice. Her narration draws me in and I can't stop. She speaks with passion and fire. Which is perfect. I read Delirium (the first book of the trilogy) a while back. But listening to Pandemonium (the second book of the trilogy) now makes me want to listen to the audiobook of Delirium. I did that with The Hunger Games trilogy. I read them as each of them came out. But right before the movie came out, I decided I wanted a refresher. So I audiobooked that business! Which was very very fun. Oh, I love audiobooks.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Stolen by Lucy Christopher! The audiobook! Narrated by Emily Gray! Iloveloveloveit! You know how I feel about accents. Emily Gray is a-ma-zing. Gemma has a British accent, and Ty has an Australian accent. Swoon. Go listen to it if you can. It's a crazy story. But I couldn't get enough. That's another thing I love about audiobooks. Accents! I can hear it perfectly in my head. Reading it, I may accidentally put the wrong accent on it. But if it's an audiobook, I can hear it! Here's the cover of Stolen, and a couple quotes from the book.

Walking w/ two 5 lb weights (45 min)

Random song that I love.
Catch Me - Demi Lovato
Before I fall too fast
Kiss me quick but make it last
So I can see how badly this will hurt me when you say goodbye

Keep it sweet, keep it slow
Let the future pass and don't let go
But tonight I could fall too soon into this beautiful moonlight

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling
But please don't catch me...

See this heart won't settle down
Like a child running scared from a clown
I'm terrified of what you do
My stomach screams just when I look at you

Run far away so I can breathe
Even though you're far from suffocating me
I can't set my hopes too high
'Cause every "Hello" ends with a "Goodbye"

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling
But please don't catch me...

So now you see why I'm scared
I can't open up my heart without a care
But here I go, It's what I feel
And for the first time in my life I know it's real

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling
So please don't catch me

If this is love please don't break me
I'm giving up so just catch me

Funny still from tonight's episode of New Girl. I had to take a picture of it with my phone and post it here. Classic Nick Miller. :)

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