Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunset Run

The theme of the month is "Literature." So today we began writing a book as a class. It's called If You Give A Bear A Biscuit. Each student adds a line and picture to the story. It's actually quite good so far. Three year olds can be very creative. On Thursday, we are then going to make biscuits to go with our book. Fun! Today was also water play day. Kiddie pools. Sprinkler. Water tables. Watering cans. Chair scrubbing. You know, typical hot day fun!

This evening, I went for my usual walk with weights. But today I also through in a little running with the weights. I passed by a couple people I knew; my uncle who was working on the roof of his house, and an old friend from high school. She was fist pumping and saying, "Whoo hoo! Work out!" Haha.

Walk/Run w/ two 5 lb weights (45 min)

Taken along my sunset run.


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