Saturday, May 18, 2013

What's Going On?

This afternoon I went walking with weights, around my neighborhood, like I always do. But it was SO HOT that I only lasted twenty minutes before I couldn't stand the heat anymore. And the water looked so cool and blue. I ran home. Got my suit on. Got my sister. And we went to the beach.

I walked into the refreshing ocean, waves crashing against me, and dunked my head straight under. Sweet sweet relief flooded my body. It was so beautiful outside. Perfect really. Hot and sunny. Bright blue skies and water. White water waves. I was oh so happy. I gasped. There was a burning running across my right knee. I had been stung. Stung by a Portuguese Man O' War. I turned around and ran out of the water and towards the sand. As I spun around, my eye caught glimpse of a topless woman. What!? Yes. She had taken off her bathing suit top like it was no big deal. I thought, What's going on?! This isn't Brazil. This is America! We have laws against that. And there are little children at this beach. Crazy lady! Seriously. Come on, now. I finally go to shore as my sister exclaimed, "I'm not peeing on your leg." Thanks for nothing, Kaleo. Thanks for nothing. I just did what Amanda Bynes said to do in She's the Man. "Be a man. Rub some dirt in it." Well, I didn't have any dirt. But I did rub sand in it. Or on it rather. Ah. As I sat there, on the sand, looking out at all that blue, sun kissing my skin, wind blowing across my face, I thought, wow. I am so lucky. So blessed. To live in this beautiful, magical place, called Hawai'i. All I have to do is walk ten seconds from my home and I'm at the beach. Kind of crazy when I think about it. I get to enjoy this whenever I want to. Thanks, God. For placing me here. For allowing me to taste a little piece of Heaven. Breathe in. Breathe out. Serenity.

While at the beach, my sister found an ocean-ified slipper. Crabs and other creatures attached to it. So cool. One blue crab. One brown. Of course I had to take pictures. So my sister ran home and got my phone. Pictures. After that, a couple of dirt bikers came riding past us. Again I muttered, "What's going on? This is a beach." Some people are just a little bit crazier I guess. Oh, what a day. A crazy beautiful day.

Little crabby :)

Creatures on a slipper

My sister came up with this little setup so the crabs wouldn't run away. Not that they even tried.

After showering, I realized I had a slight sunburn. No matter. Also, my hair was softer than usual. Score!

Walk w/ two 5 lb weights in the hot hot sun (20 min)

 What a gorgeous day!!!
 Yeah... that's my smister. :)

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